Roseville Public School

Facta Non Verba

Telephone02 9417 4107

Term dates

2025 Term Dates

Term 1

Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April
Students Years K-6 commence Thursday 6 February

Term 2

Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July
Students commence Wednesday 30 April

Term 3

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September
Students commence Tuesday 22 July

Term 4`

Monday 13 October to Friday 19 December
Students commence Tuesday 14 October
Students finish Friday 19 December                                 

Please note

The first four days of Term 1, the first two days of Term 2, and the first days of Term, 3 and 4 are designated by the Department of Education and Training as School Development Days, therefore, Friday, 31st January; Monday, 3 February. Tuesday 4 February, Wednesday 5 February; Monday, 28th April; Tuesday 29th April, Monday, 21st July; and Monday 13th October.

2026 Term dates

Dates to be advised

Term 1


Term 2


Term 3


Term 4